
Further Reading

Further Reading


Looking for more? The Canadian HSS Commons is dedicated to supporting the work of Humanities and Social Sciences researchers across Canada. The following sample list of materials further describes the purpose, impact, and future possibilities of the Canadian HSS Commons. You can also view this list as a collection.

Articles (selected):

Open, Collaborative Commons: Web3, Blockchain, and Next Steps for the Canadian Humanities and Social Sciences Commons | Article – 2022 (article)

Authors: Talya Jesperson, Graham Jensen, Caroline Winter, Alyssa Arbuckle, Ray Siemens, The ETCL and INKE Research Groups

Publication: Pop! Public. Open. Participatory. no. 4 (2022-10-31).

Fostering Digital Communities of Care: Safety, Security, and Trust in the Canadian Humanities and Social Sciences Commons | Article – 2022 (article)

Authors: Graham Jensen, Alyssa Arbuckle, Caroline Winter, Talya Jesperson, Tyler Fontenot, Ray Siemens, The ETCL and INKE Research Groups

Publication: IDEAH vol. 3, no. 2 (2022-06-27).

Foundations for the Canadian Humanities and Social Sciences Commons: Exploring the Possibilities of Digital Research Communities | Article – 2020 (article)

Authors: Caroline Winter, Tyler Fontenot, Luis Meneses, Alyssa Arbuckle, Ray Siemens, The ETCL and INKE Research Groups

Publication: Pop! Public. Open. Participatory. no. 2 (2020-10-31).

Presentations (selected):

Open, Digital Scholarship: Issues, Initiatives, and Research Commons in the Humanities and Social Sciences | Recorded panel discussion — 2020 (video)

Co-chaired by: Ray Siemens (UVic) and Alyssa Arbuckle (UVic)

Featuring: Kathleen Fitzpatrick (Michigan State University), Gabriel Miller (Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences), Susan Haigh (Canadian Association of Research Libraries), Clare Appavoo (Canadian Research Knowledge Network), and Chad Gaffield (U Ottawa)

Conference: Digital Humanities (DH) 2020

The Canadian HSS Commons as an Open Social Scholarship Tool (2020) | Recorded lightning talk — 2020 (abstract and video password: #EngagingOSS)

Authors: Ray Siemens and Alyssa Arbuckle

Conference: Engaging Open Social Scholarship 2020

Reimagining the Digital Research Commons for the Canadian HSS Community (2021) | Presentation — 2021 (paper and slides)

Authors: Graham Jensen, Caroline Winter, Alyssa Arbuckle, Luis Meneses, and Ray Siemens

Conference: Canadian Society for Digital Humanities (CSDH) 2021

Fostering Digital Communities of Care: Safety, Security, and Trust in the Canadian Humanities and Social Sciences Commons (2021) | Presentation — 2021 (video)

Authors: Graham Jensen, Alyssa Arbuckle, Caroline Winter, Talya Jesperson, and Ray Siemens

Conference: Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) 2021: Conference & Colloquium

RDM for the Large-Scale Research Commons | Presentation — 2021 (video)

Authors: Caroline Winter, Graham Jensen, Alyssa Arbuckle, and Ray Siemens

Conference: Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) 2021: Research Data Management for Digitally Curious Humanists

Generosity, Collaboration, and the Common Good: Platform As Scholarly Practice | Keynote Presentation — 2022 (video)

Author: Kathleen Fitzpatrick

Event: Launching a Digital Commons for the Humanities and Social Sciences: INKE Partnership Meeting

Partnering to Build the Digital Commons: Past, Present, and Future | Keynote Presentation — 2022 (video)

Authors: John Simpson and Lydia Vermeyden

Event: Launching a Digital Commons for the Humanities and Social Sciences: INKE Partnership Meeting


Arbuckle, A., Jensen, G., Meneses, L., Siemens, R., & Winter, C. (2021, June). Reimagining the Digital Research Commons for the Canadian HSS Community. CSDH/SCHN 2021. (Slides)

Arbuckle, A., & Siemens, R. (2020, December). The Canadian HSS Commons as an Open Social Scholarship Tool [Recorded lightning talk]. Engaging Open Scholarship.

Fitzpatrick, K. (2022, January 24). Generosity, Collaboration, and the Common Good: Platform As Scholarly Practice. Launching a Digital Commons for the Humanities and Social Sciences: INKE Partnership Meeting.

Jensen, G., Arbuckle, A., Winter, C., Jesperson, T., & Siemens, R. (2021, June 2). Fostering Digital Communities of Care: Safety, Security, and Trust in the Canadian Humanities and Social Sciences Commons.

Siemens, R., & Arbuckle, A. (2020, July 20). Open, Digital Scholarship: Issues, Initiatives, and Research Commons in the Humanities and Social Sciences [Recorded panel discussion]. DH 2020.

Simpson, J., & Vermeyden, L. (2022, January 24). Partnering to Build the Digital Commons: Past, Present, and Future. Launching a Digital Commons for the Humanities and Social Sciences: INKE Partnership Meeting.

Winter, C., Fontenot, T., Meneses, L., Arbuckle, A., Siemens, R., The ETCL Research Group, & The INKE Research Groups. (2020). Foundations for the Canadian Humanities and Social Sciences Commons: Exploring the Possibilities of Digital Research Communities [Text/html].

Winter, C., Jensen, G., Arbuckle, A., & Siemens, R. (2021, June 14). RDM for the Large-Scale Research Commons.

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