
How-To: Using the Repository

How-To: Using the Repository

Looking for an easy way to create or read open access publications? The repository is a great way to access or add publications and other resources shared with the Canadian HSS Commons community.

Accessing the repository

  1. Click the “Repository” tab in the top menu bar on any Canadian HSS Commons page.
  2. You’ll see “Recent Publications”, “Popular Publications”, an option for you to submit your own publications with “Upload publication >>”, and in the top right, you’ll also find a button to “Browse Publications”.
  3. The “Browse Publications” feature is the best way to find what you are looking for. Simply search the repository using keywords, filter results by publication type, and sort results by ranking, date published, or alphabetically.

Adding your own publications

  1. Before uploading a new publication to the repository, please ensure that:
    • the publication has a creative commons license, and that sharing is not prohibited by the publisher
    • all authors are okay with the content being posted
  2. Download the publication in .pdf form from the available source if needed.
  3. Click the “Repository” tab in the top menu bar on any Canadian HSS Commons page.
  4. You’ll see “Recent Publications”, “Popular Publications”, an option for you to submit your own publications with “Upload publication >>”, and in the top right, you’ll find a button to “Browse Publications”.
  5. Click “Upload publication >>”.
  6. On the left side of the screen, you can choose to upload a publication as part of a new or existing project or upload an individual publication separately. A project is used for collaboration with others users on the Canadian HSS Commons. To simply upload a publication, select “Files” in the light blue box.
  7. Click “Add a file.”
  8. In the light blue box, click “Browse...”
  9. Select the file you wish to upload.
  10. On the right side of the light blue box, select “Upload”. The file name will appear in the middle with the file size.
  11. Click the name of the file and make sure it is highlighted light blue and a green checkmark appears to the right.
  12. To add another file, simply select “Browse…” again and choose the file you wish to add. Select “Upload”, and once the second file appears, click the file name so that the green checkmark appears.
  13. Once all files are uploaded and selected, click the green button that says “Save selection” at the top.
  14. Press next to proceed to the “Description” tab.
  15. Add the publication title, subjects, and a description of the publication. This could be the abstract or a short summary.  Once you have filled out all fields, click Apply changes and Next.
  16. To add an author, click “Select author(s)”.
  17. In the new window that appears, you can either look up an author by using their name or email or add them manually. In both cases, you will be required to fill out the author’s institution before saving.
  18. Repeat steps until all authors are added. Then, click “Next” to proceed to the “Extras” tab.
  19. Add all supporting images or documents by clicking “Add a file”. A similar window will appear as the one for uploading a publication.
  20. In the light blue box, click “Browse...”
  21. Select the file you wish to upload.
  22. On the right side of the light blue box, select “Upload”. The file name will appear in the middle with the file size.
  23. Click the name of the file and make sure it is highlighted light blue and a green checkmark appears to the right.
  24. Once all files are uploaded and selected, click the green button that says “Save selection” at the top.
  25. Click “Next” to proceed to the “License” tab.
  26. Click “Choose License”. A window will appear with various creative commons license options. For more information on creative commons licenses, see How can I manage my intellectual property while still sharing with the Canadian HSS Commons community?
  27. Select the appropriate creative commons license and click “Save selection”.
  28. Click “Next” to proceed to the “Tags” tab.
  29. Type or copy and paste all of the appropriate tags for the publication, separating each tag with a comma.
  30. Select the type of publication.
  31. Click “Next” to proceed to the “Notes” tab.
  32. In the Release Notes text box, it is helpful to include some useful information about the publication, such as the original publication information. To include original publication info, you can use the following format:
    • Original publication information:
    • Originally published in (name of publisher)
    • Date: mm/dd/yyyy
    • DOI:
    • License: (CC BY 4.0)
    • Original citation:
    • Full citation in bibliography format. We recommend using APA or Chicago.
    • Last name, First name. “Title.” Publisher, Edition, Volume, Number, Year, DOI/URL, pages.
  33. Click “Next” to review the publication submission.
  34. Review the publication details.
  35. Choose the publication settings, including the date the publication will become available on the Canadian HSS Commons and whether you would like to just submit a draft for now. Keep in mind that publishing will assign your submission a DOI and make it a permanent item in the Canadian HSS Commons repository, so make sure you’re submission is completely ready before publishing.
    • It is a good idea to keep the publication as a draft if you anticipate making changes. If you publish an item and need to make changes to the metadata for the item, get in touch with our team. Making edits to the content of your item will require submitting a new version. For more information, see What happens when I submit a resource to the repository?
    • To keep your publication as a draft so that you can edit it later, you can either close the tab or open a different page on the Canadian HSS Commons. Your changes will be saved and you will be able to access your draft through the Repository tab in the top menu bar and clicking on Start Publishing, as in Step 4 of this blog post.
  36. Add any comments.
  37. Review the hsscommons Terms of Deposit and check the box to agree to them.
  38. Click the green “Publish” or “Submit draft” button.
  39. A new page will appear showing a summary of the publication and some details about what you can do next.

Making changes to your publications

There are two ways to access publications that you manage:

Through your profile:

  1. Navigate to your profile (top right corner of any Canadian HSS Commons page).
  2. Click on the “Repository” tab located under your profile image on the left side.
  3. Click the publication you wish to access.
  4. You’ll see a light blue bar under the publication title with a message. Click the underlined words at the end of the message that reads “Manage this publication”.

Through the repository tab in the main menu:

  1. Click the “Repository” tab in the top menu bar on any Canadian HSS Commons page.
  2. Click “Upload publication >>”.
  3. On the right side, you’ll see a list of all the publications you manage or co-author. On the right side of each publication, you can click to either view or manage the publication.
  4. Click “Manage” next to the publication you would like to make changes to.

Make changes to your publication:

  1. The top left of your page should read “Publications: Submit”, and below, you should have some information about the publication as well as “Your options” or “What’s Next?”
    • If your publication has been published, under “Your options” you can view recent usage or update your publication by starting a new version.
    • If your publication is in draft form, under the heading “What’s Next?” you will see the option to submit it as a publication or delete the draft altogether.

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