DHSI 2022
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- 02 Jun 2022
published version 1.0 of publication "Community Engaged Research at a Distance"
uploaded 5.DHSI22_InstituteLecture_Hendery.mp4 in project files
started a new publication (id 7011)
published version 1.0 of publication "Making Room: How the Book Materially Changed to Accommodate the Digital"
uploaded 4.DHSI22_InstituteLecture_OrtegaGuzman.mp4 in project files
started a new publication (id 7010)
published version 1.0 of publication "On the Responsibility to Implement the Perspective of the People in Focus of (Digital) Projects"
uploaded 3.DHSI22_InstituteLecture_Herold-Ottawa-edited.mp4 in project files
started a new publication (id 7009)
published version 2.0 of publication "Is Open Scholarship Possible without Open Infrastructure?"
DHSI 2022 (Institute Lectures)
CMS Manager
has been updated by administrator
started new version 2.0 of publication "Is Open Scholarship Possible without Open Infrastructure?"
published version 1.0 of publication "Is Open Scholarship Possible without Open Infrastructure?"
uploaded 2.DHSI22_InstituteLecture_Chan-edited.mp4 in project files
started a new publication (id 7005)
published version 1.0 of publication "The People and the Text, Neglected Indigenous Works, and the Anxieties and Ethics Around Making..."
uploaded 1.DHSI22_InstituteLecture_Reder-edited.mp4 in project files
started a new publication (id 7004)
updated the project info
changed the project settings
updated the project info
changed the project settings
updated the project info
changed the project settings
DHSI 2022 (Open/Social/Digital Humanities Pedagogy, Training,...
Canadian Social Knowledge Institute (C-SKI)
changed the project settings