Example Group – Academic Journal

Join Policy
15 Nov 2022

This is an example to demonstrate how the Announcements feature can be used to keep an academic journal publishing group up to date on new publications. This is an example of a sticky announcement.

Search announcements

Our annual holiday party is coming up on December 10! Be sure to register by December 3 so we know who's coming!

This is an example to demonstrate how the Announcements feature can be used to keep an academic journal publishing group up to date on new publications. This is an example of a sticky announcement.

Exciting news! Our final issue of the year (Volume 1, Issue 4) will be published in December!

I'm happy to say that our third issue (Volume 1, Issue 3) has just been published!

Our second issue (Volume 1, Issue 2) is now live!

Exciting news! The first issue of the journal (Volume 1, Issue 1) will be published this spring!