If your Canadian HSS Commons account is connected to ORCID, you can automatically import profile information and publications directly from ORCID rather than doing it manually. This can save you a lot of time when setting up your professional profile on the site.
Importing your ORCID profile information
To import your ORCID profile information, open your dashboard by clicking on the circle located on the top right corner of the site (or log in by clicking on the silhouette of a person, also in the top right corner). Then, click the “Profile” button in the left column. Once you open your profile, there will be a button with the text “Auto populate profile with ORCID”.
Review the proposed changes to your profile in the pop-up window and click “Yes, I’m sure”. If you want to change or omit a field, you can do it later by clicking on the EDIT button on the right side of each profile field.
Import your publications from ORCID
You can also import your list of publications from ORCID to the Canadian HSS Commons. Go to your dashboard and click on the “My Repository” button in the left column. In this space you will find a list of all your publications and drafts.
Click on the “Import existing publications from ORCID” button at the top of the page. Then, select the publications you are interested in importing to the Canadian HSS Commons. You can select all your publications at once with the “Select all” button. If you have already imported a publication, it will be highlighted in red.
Once you have selected the publications you want to import, scroll down, and click “Import selected publications”.
After importing the publications, they will be added as drafts to your profile. To make them publicly accessible, go back to the “My Repository” tab, and select one of the imported publications that has been saved as a draft (you can see if it is a draft under the “Status” column).
This will open the publication page.
Review that the publication information is correct. To publish and make changes, click on “Manage this publication”.
The final steps of the publication are the same as adding any other item to the repository. To publish, click on the “Continue draft” button.
In the “Content” tab, add the file for your publication.
Important: In the “Authors” tab, verify that you are listed correctly as the author. Sometimes the ORCID metadata prevents the author’s name from being listed correctly. To check this, hover over an author’s name and click the pencil icon will appear on the right side:
Example of a publication author linked to a Canadian HSS Commons profile.
The username and profile picture appear at the top of the pop-up.
After reviewing the author list, go to the “License” tab and select the Creative Commons license you want to apply to your work. On the “Tags” tab, enter a few keywords that describe your publication and help others find it when looking for these topics. Remember to scroll down and click on the “Apply changes” button before going to the next tab.
When all the tabs are complete, review the final page, agree to the Canadian HSS Commons terms of deposit, and click Publish Draft.