Codex Ultor: Toward a Conceptual and Theoretical Foundation for New Research on Books and Knowledge Environments

By Ray Siemens1, Claire Warwick2, Richard Cunningham3, Teresa Dobson4, Alan Galey5, Stan Ruecker6, Susan Schreibman7, INKE Research Group1

1. University of Victoria 2. University College London 3. Acadia University 4. University of British Columbia 5. University of Toronto 6. University of Alberta 7. Royal Irish Academy

In this paper, we present the conceptual and theoretical foundations for work undertaken by the Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) research group, a large international, interdisciplinary research team studying reading and texts, both…

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In this paper, we present the conceptual and theoretical foundations for work undertaken by the Implementing New Knowledge Environments (INKE) research group, a large international, interdisciplinary research team studying reading and texts, both digital and printed. The INKE team is comprised of researchers and stakeholders at the forefronts of fields relating to textual studies, user experience, interface design, and information management. We aim to contribute to the development of new digital information and knowledge environments that build on past textual practices. In this piece, we discuss our research questions, methods, aims and research objectives, the rationale behind our work and its expected significance.



Original publication: Siemens, R., Warwick, C., Cunningham, R., Dobson, T., Galey, A., Ruecker, S., Schreibman, S., INKE.(2009). Codex ultor: Toward a conceptual and theoretical foundation for new research on Books and Knowledge Environments Digital Studies/Le champ numerique 1 (2)

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