Database of Unconventional Dissertation [CSV] -- Companion to Amell 2023

This is one source of data gathered between 2019 and 2021 as part of a broader doctoral dissertation research project on unconventional dissertations (Amell, 2023). In addition to collecting responses to questionnaire items and conducting…

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Version 1.0 - published on 06 Feb 2023

Licensed under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0


This is one source of data gathered between 2019 and 2021 as part of a broader doctoral dissertation research project on unconventional dissertations (Amell, 2023). In addition to collecting responses to questionnaire items and conducting interviews, I also collected and analysed 71 dissertations. Unconventional dissertations (n= 51) were identified via word of mouth, database searches, participants, a profile page on the Canadian Association for Graduate Studies (CAGS) blog, and/or via analysis. This database represents a snapshot of this effort. Fifty-one dissertations are listed. Each one offers an alternative take on what it means to be unconventional, depending on dissertators' contexts. While I originally intended to host this spreadsheet using Google Drive, I've since decided to upload it to a repository in favour of a more stable and public platform. Unfortunately this decision means that I will lose some of the more immediate interactivity that a platform like Google Drive can offer.

Note: The files for this version of the database are saved in .CSV

Have you spotted an error? Would you like to make an suggestion or collaborate on the next iteration of this project? I welcome emails and Tweets (if Twitter is still around)!

Thank you, Brittany Amell


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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Amell, B., (2023), "Database of Unconventional Dissertation [CSV] -- Companion to Amell 2023", HSSCommons: (DOI: )

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