ACH / ALLC 2005 Conference Abstracts (2nd Edition)

By Humanities Computing and Media Centre

University of Victoria

To those of you reading this on arriving in Victoria for the ACH/ALLC 2005conferencea warm west coast welcome. While you’re here, we hope you will enjoy our campus, the city of Victoria, and the enormous natural bounties of this region. The…

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To those of you reading this on arriving in Victoria for the ACH/ALLC 2005conferencea warm west coast welcome. While you’re here, we hope you will enjoy our campus, the city of Victoria, and the enormous natural bounties of this region. The presentations in this volume — more numerous than at previous conferences, we are told — are ample testimony to the range, depth, and frontline significance of what humanists and their colleagues are achieving with computers. The promise of how much more is to come also resonates through these pages.



The Association for Computers and the Humanities / The Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing

ACH / ALLC 2005

The International Conference on Humanities Computing and Digital Scholarship - The 17th Joint International Conference

University of Victoria

June 15 - June 18, 2005

Conference Abstracts (2nd Edition)

Published by: Humanities Computing and Media Centre, University of Victoria

Copyright 2005 University of Victoria and the authors

ISBN: 1-55058-312-3

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