A More Excellent Way: Philip Melanchthon’s Corinthians Lectures of 1521–22

By William P. Weaver

Through a critical study of Philip Melanchthon’s 1521–22 lectures on 1 and 2 Corinthians, this essay evaluates his rhetorical method of reading and annotating Scripture. Building on a conventional analogy between ad fontes and sola scriptura, it…

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Through a critical study of Philip Melanchthon’s 1521–22 lectures on 1 and 2 Corinthians, this essay evaluates his rhetorical method of reading and annotating Scripture. Building on a conventional analogy between ad fontes and sola scriptura, it investigates an equally operative analogy between consuetudo (linguistic usage) and what Melanchthon called the sermo or mos Scripturae, the “speech” or “usage of Scripture.” As a guide to the mos Scripturae, the early Corinthians lectures are an indispensable complement to his contemporary annotations on Romans. They reveal his attempt to integrate Luther’s “theology of the cross” into a theory of learned reading and shed light on the composition of the first systematic theology of the Lutheran faith, the Loci Communes, also published in 1521. Taken together as speeches, Paul’s letters to the Corinthians are unique enunciations of law and gospel, and unique examples of the “discourse of the cross.” Cet essai évalue la méthode rhétorique de lecture et d’annotation des Écritures saintes, à travers une analyse critique des leçons de Philip Melanchthon de 1521-2 sur la première et seconde épitre aux Corinthiens. Partant d’une analogie conventionnelle entre ad fontes et sola scriptura, l’essai examine une analogie tout aussi opératoire entre consuetudo (usage linguistique) et ce que Melanchthon appelait le sermo ou mos Scripturae, le « discours » ou « l’usage des Saintes Écritures ». Les premières leçons de Mélanchton ur les Corinthiens, en tant que guide aux mos Scripturae, sont un complément indispensable à ses annotations contemporaines sur les Romains. Elles révèlent la volonté d’intégrer la « théologie de la croix » de Luther à une théorie de lecture savante mais aussi la volonté de clarifier la composition des Loci Communes, première théologie systématique de la foi luthérienne, elle aussi publiée en en 1521. Prises comme discours, les lettres de Paul aux Corinthien ssont des énonciations uniques de la loi et de l’évangile, exemples uniques du « discours de la croix ».



Original publication: Weaver, William P. "A More Excellent Way: Philip Melanchthon’s Corinthians Lectures of 1521–22." Renaissance and Reformation 37 (1): 2014. 31-63. DOI: 10.33137/rr.v37i1.21281. This material has been re-published in an unmodified form on the Canadian HSS Commons with the permission of Iter Canada / Renaissance and Reformation. Copyright © the author(s). Their work is distributed by Renaissance and Reformation under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For details, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/.

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