Database of unconventional dissertations--Companion to Amell (2023)

What this is: This is one source of data gathered between 2019 and 2021 as part of a broader doctoral dissertation research project on unconventional dissertations (Amell, 2023). In addition to collecting responses to questionnaire items and…

Listed in Dataset


What this is: This is one source of data gathered between 2019 and 2021 as part of a broader doctoral dissertation research project on unconventional dissertations (Amell, 2023). In addition to collecting responses to questionnaire items and conducting interviews, I also collected and analysed 71 dissertations. Unconventional dissertations (n= 51) were identified via word of mouth, database searches, participants, a profile page on the Canadian Association for Graduate Studies (CAGS) blog, and/or via analysis. This database represents a snapshot of this effort. Fifty-one dissertations are listed. Each one offers an alternative take on what it means to be unconventional, depending on dissertators' contexts. While I originally intended to host this spreadsheet using Google Drive, I've since decided to upload it to a repository in favour of a more stable and public platform. Unfortunately this decision means that I will lose some of the more immediate interactivity that a platform like Google Drive can offer.

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Version 01-23