Science and Philosophy in Classical Greece

By Alan C. Bowen

University of Toronto

This collection of 12 essays published originally in 1991 is devoted to the general question of science and its relation to, and interaction with, philosophy in the Greek world during the fifth and fourth centuries BC. Thus, the papers address…

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This collection of 12 essays published originally in 1991 is devoted to the general question of science and its relation to, and interaction with, philosophy in the Greek world during the fifth and fourth centuries BC. Thus, the papers address issues concerning the origins and explanatory structure of science, as well as problems peculiar to the mathematical sciences (arithmetic, geometry, harmonics, astronomy) and to natural history and medicine. The contributors include: Andrew D. Barker, J. L. Berggren, Alan C. Bowen, David H. Fowler, Charles H. Kahn, Wilbur R. Knorr, James G. Lennox, G. E. R. Lloyd, Alexander P. D. Mourelatos, Ian Mueller, Joseph Owens, and Robert G. Turnbull.

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Original publication: Bowen, Alan C. Science and Philosophy in Classical Greece. Interpretatio Series B. 2020. URI: This material has been re-published in an unmodified form on the Canadian HSS Commons with the permission of Iter Canada. Copyright © the author(s). Their work is distributed by Interpretatio under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. For details, see

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