Publications: All

  1. Towards Sustainable, Global Infrastructures for DH: Some Arguments for Open Source Research Software

    Towards Sustainable, Global Infrastructures for DH: Some Arguments for Open Source Research Software

    2024-09-09 18:44:38 | Presentation | Contributor(s): Graham Jensen, Ray Siemens

    digital humanities, open source software

  2. Publish, share, and measure the impact of your research in the Canadian HSS Commons

    Publish, share, and measure the impact of your research in the Canadian HSS Commons

    2024-05-28 19:13:32 | Course material or learning objects | Contributor(s): Alan Colin-Arce, Graham Jensen, Alyssa Arbuckle, Caroline Winter, Sajib Ghosh, Hanh Pham, Ray Siemens, INKE and ETCL Research Groups, HUBzero ( |

    Canadian HSS Commons, community building, knowledge mobilization

  3. Working It in and Working It out—Together: Centralized Infrastructure Project Management in the Humanities and Social Sciences

    Working It in and Working It out—Together: Centralized Infrastructure Project Management in the Humanities and Social Sciences

    2023-07-24 18:11:15 | Presentation | Contributor(s): Constance Crompton |

    critical infrastructure studies, scholarly communication, digital humanities

  4. Building Digital Communities in the Humanities and Social Sciences

    Building Digital Communities in the Humanities and Social Sciences

    2023-07-24 17:44:30 | Presentation | Contributor(s): Hannah Paveck, Julia Bullard, Tanja Niemann, Jason Boyd |

    critical infrastructure studies, scholarly communication, digital humanities

  5. Knowledge Mobilization and the Canadian Humanities and Social Sciences Commons

    Knowledge Mobilization and the Canadian Humanities and Social Sciences Commons

    2023-05-09 21:05:02 | Presentation | Contributor(s): Caroline Winter, Graham Jensen, Alyssa Arbuckle, Ray Siemens |

    knowledge mobilization, research commons, open social scholarship

  6. Using the Commons: Training Workshop and Guided Exploration

    Using the Commons: Training Workshop and Guided Exploration

    2022-07-07 23:32:04 | Course material or learning objects | Contributor(s): Graham Jensen |

    digital research commons, digital scholarship, digital humanities, open social scholarship

  7. Digital Knowledge Commons: A Brief Introduction

    Digital Knowledge Commons: A Brief Introduction

    2022-06-13 19:58:33 | Video essay | Contributor(s): Graham Jensen |

    digital knowledge commons, digital research commons, commons, critical infrastructure studies, critical data studies, open scholarship, digital humanities, digital scholarship

  8. Partnering to Build the Digital Commons: Past, Present, and Future

    Partnering to Build the Digital Commons: Past, Present, and Future

    2022-06-13 21:41:54 | Presentation | Contributor(s): John Simpson, Lydia Vermeyden |

    Digital Commons, Cloud-based Research,