Publications: All

  1. Gaming the Edition: Modelling Scholarly Editions through Videogame Frameworks

    Gaming the Edition: Modelling Scholarly Editions through Videogame Frameworks

    2022-06-13 19:10:36 | Article | Contributor(s): Jon Saklofske, Nina Belojevic, Alex Christie, Sonja Sapach, John Simpson, INKE Research Team |

    Digital humanities, Game studies

  2. Connecting the dots: Integrating modular networks and narrativity in digital scholarship

    Connecting the dots: Integrating modular networks and narrativity in digital scholarship

    2022-06-13 19:34:27 | Article | Contributor(s): Amy Robinson, Jon Saklofske, INKE Research Team |

    Digital humanities, Game studies

  3. ‘As strayght as ony pole’: Publius Cornelius, Edmund de la Pole, and Contemporary Court Satire in Henry Medwall’s Fulgens and Lucres

    ‘As strayght as ony pole’: Publius Cornelius, Edmund de la Pole, and Contemporary Court Satire in Henry Medwall’s Fulgens and Lucres

    2022-06-13 18:42:47 | Article | Contributor(s): Ray Siemens |

    Literary Studies

  4. The Janus-Face of Early Modern Literary Studies: Negotiating the Boundaries of Interactivity in an Electronic Journal for the Humanities

    The Janus-Face of Early Modern Literary Studies: Negotiating the Boundaries of Interactivity in an Electronic Journal for the Humanities

    2022-06-13 19:42:35 | Article | Contributor(s): Paul Dyck, Ray Siemens, Jennifer Lewin, Joanne Woolway Grenfell |

    Literary Studies

  5. Implementing New Knowledge Environments: Laying Research Foundations for Understanding Books and Reading in the Digital Age

    Implementing New Knowledge Environments: Laying Research Foundations for Understanding Books and Reading in the Digital Age

    2022-06-13 19:05:11 | Article | Contributor(s): Ray Siemens, Richard Cunningham, Alan Galey, Stan Ruecker, Lynne Siemens, Claire Warwick, INKE Research Group |

    Digital Humanities

  6. Communities of Practice, the Methodological Commons, and Digital Self-Determination in the Humanities

    Communities of Practice, the Methodological Commons, and Digital Self-Determination in the Humanities

    2022-06-13 19:35:42 | Article | Contributor(s): Ray Siemens |

    Digital Humanities