Publications: All

  1. Partner Response to Tri-Agency Statement of Principles on Digital Data Management

    Partner Response to Tri-Agency Statement of Principles on Digital Data Management

    2024-04-11 21:00:54 | Report | Contributor(s): Lisa Goddard |

    The Tri-Agency Statement of Principles on Digital Data Management was jointly released by Canada’s three major federal funding agencies – the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and the Canadian Institutes of...

  2. ORCID: Connecting Research and Researchers

    ORCID: Connecting Research and Researchers

    2024-04-11 21:00:13 | Report | Contributor(s): Kimberly Silk |

    ORCID is a non-profit organization which provides a persistent identifier that distinguishes individual researchers within the global research ecosystem. Researchers register for a free, unique ORCID identifier through the web site, and then add their professional information;...

  3. ORCID: Connecter la recherche et les chercheurs et chercheuses

    ORCID: Connecter la recherche et les chercheurs et chercheuses

    2024-04-11 21:01:44 | Report | Contributor(s): Kimberly Silk |

    ORCID est une organisation à but non lucratif qui fournit un identifiant persistant qui distingue les chercheurs individuels au sein de l’écosystème de recherche mondial. Les chercheurs s’inscrivent pour un identifiant ORCID unique et gratuit sur le site Web, puis ajoutent leurs...

  4. CSDH Response to Investing in Canada’s Future: Strengthening the Foundations of Canadian Research

    CSDH Response to Investing in Canada’s Future: Strengthening the Foundations of Canadian Research

    2024-04-11 20:59:55 | Report | Contributor(s): Canadian Society for Digital Humanities / Société canadienne des humanités numériques (CSDH / SCHN) |

    We welcome the opportunity to submit a response to the Investing in Canada’s Future report. We were glad of the government and advisory panel’s outreach in the year leading up to the report, and the opportunities to respond through organizations such as the Federation and Social Sciences and...

  5. Le gouvernement ouvert

    Le gouvernement ouvert

    2024-04-11 20:59:33 | Report | Contributor(s): Kimberly Silk |

    Le gouvernement ouvert indique que les citoyens ont accès aux publications, registres et données du gouvernement, afin de permettre au public d’observer les activités du gouvernement et que le gouvernement soit ouvert à l’examen public. Souvent associé à la transparence et à la responsabilité, le...

  6. Open Government

    Open Government

    2024-04-11 20:59:12 | Report | Contributor(s): Kimberly Silk |

    Open government indicates that citizens have access to the publications, records and data of the government, in order to enable the public to observe government activity and for the government to be open to public scrutiny. Often associated with transparency and accountability, open government is...

  7. Négociations de l’édition à libre accès en Europe

    Négociations de l’édition à libre accès en Europe

    2024-04-11 20:58:35 | Report | Contributor(s): Kimberly Silk |

    En Europe, où les négociations d’éditeurs se font souvent au niveau national plutôt qu’institutionnel, les universités font pression pour que les revues savantes deviennent libre accès, en partie grâce au mandat de l’UE de rendre tous les articles scientifiques disponibles gratuitement d’ici 2020.

  8. Open Access Publishing Negotiations in Europe

    Open Access Publishing Negotiations in Europe

    2024-04-11 20:58:15 | Report | Contributor(s): Kimberly Silk |

    In Europe, where publisher negotiations are often done at the national rather than the institutional level, universities are pushing for scholarly journals to become open access, in part due to the E.U.’s mandate to make all scientific articles freely available by 2020.

  9. Comment le budget fédéral de 2018 affecte la recherche au Canada

    Comment le budget fédéral de 2018 affecte la recherche au Canada

    2024-04-11 20:57:07 | Report | Contributor(s): Kimberly Silk |

    Le budget fédéral de 2018, publié le 27 février 2018, profitera grandement à la recherche au Canada. Le budget comprend un financement de 925 millions de dollars sur cinq ans accordés aux organismes des trois conseils: Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada (IRSC), Conseil de recherches en...

  10. Open Annotation Tools

    Open Annotation Tools

    2024-04-11 20:56:00 | Report | Contributor(s): Kimberly Silk |

    Open annotation is the ability to freely contribute to online, usually web-based, content, such as documents, images and video. Open annotation as a concept has been embraced predominantly by scholars in the Digital Humanities, a group that has a long history of online collaboration.

  11. Coalition Establishes Advisory Committee of Academic Stakeholders

    Coalition Establishes Advisory Committee of Academic Stakeholders

    2024-04-11 20:55:14 | Report | Contributor(s): Public Knowledge Project (PKP) |

    Created in the spring of 2017, Coalition aims to establish an infrastructure dedicated to the digital production and dissemination of research results in the Canadian humanities and social sciences (HSS). The project is now guided by an advisory committee with representatives from...

  12. Plan S et cOAlition S

    Plan S et cOAlition S

    2024-04-11 20:54:54 | Report | Contributor(s): Caroline Winter |

    La cOAlition S est un groupe d’agences nationales de financement de la recherche qui travaillent ensemble pour appliquer les principes du Plan S, qui préconise un accès ouvert complet et immédiat aux recherches financées par des fonds publics en Europe. La coalition est soutenue par la Commission...

  13. Canada Celebrates International Open Access Week 2018

    Canada Celebrates International Open Access Week 2018

    2024-04-11 20:53:35 | Report | Contributor(s): Caroline Winter |

    October 22 to 28, 2018, marked the 10th annual International Open Access (OA) Week. Founded in 2008 by SPARC and its partners, Open Access Week is now recognized around the world as an opportunity to start conversations about OA, plan collective action, and build a presence of OA in the scholarly...

  14. Compliance with Open Access Policy in Canada

    Compliance with Open Access Policy in Canada

    2024-04-11 20:53:19 | Report | Contributor(s): Caroline Winter |

    The announcement of Plan S in September 2018 brought the issue of implementation to the forefront of discussions of open access (OA). One issue addressed in the Plan and in a number of responses to it is that of compliance: many funding bodies in North America and Europe have OA mandates, but to...

  15. Conformité à la politique de libre accès au Canada

    Conformité à la politique de libre accès au Canada

    2024-04-11 20:53:04 | Report | Contributor(s): Caroline Winter |

    L’annonce de Plan S en septembre 2018 a amené la question de la mise en œuvre au premier plan des discussions sur le libre accès. L’un des problèmes abordés dans le plan et dans un certain nombre de réponses à celui-ci est celui de la conformité : de nombreux organismes de financement en Amérique...

  16. L’Analysis & Policy Observatory

    L’Analysis & Policy Observatory

    2024-04-11 20:52:47 | Report | Contributor(s): Caroline Winter |

    L’Analysis and Policy Observatory (APO, pour son acronyme en anglais) est membre d’un partenariat Canadien–Australien pour l’erudition ouvertes (CAPOS, pour son acronyme en anglais), une collaboration entre INKE et des partenaires basés en Australie qui s’emploient à renforcer l’engagement et la...

  17. The Analysis & Policy Observatory

    The Analysis & Policy Observatory

    2024-04-11 20:52:27 | Report | Contributor(s): Caroline Winter |

    The Analysis and Policy Observatory (APO) is a member of the Canadian–Australian Partnership for Open Scholarship (CAPOS), a collaboration between the INKE Partnership and Australian-based partners that works toward greater engagement and capacity for open scholarship, internationally and...

  18. Le Film Paywall: The Business of Scholarship

    Le Film Paywall: The Business of Scholarship

    2024-04-11 20:51:53 | Report | Contributor(s): Caroline Winter |

    Générer une discussion sur les pratiques de publication savante et soutenir le libre accès est précisément l’objectif de Paywall. Le film a été réalisé et produit par Jason Schmitt, cinéaste, journaliste, professeur agrégé et président de la communication et des médias à l’Université Clarkson.

  19. La rupture entre Elsevier et l’University of California

    La rupture entre Elsevier et l’University of California

    2024-04-11 20:51:02 | Report | Contributor(s): Caroline Winter |

    Le 28 février 2019, l’University of California (UC) a annoncé qu’elle ne renouvellerait pas ses abonnements aux journaux d’Elsevier. UC est une université publique de recherche située en Californie, aux États-Unis, avec 10 campus répartis dans l’État. Le système d’UC compte plus de 68 000...

  20. The Film Paywall: The Business of Scholarship

    The Film Paywall: The Business of Scholarship

    2024-04-11 20:51:28 | Report | Contributor(s): Caroline Winter |

    Generating discussion about scholarly publishing practices and supporting open access is precisely what Paywall aims to do. The film was directed and produced by Jason Schmitt, a filmmaker, journalist, and Associate Professor and Chair of Communication and Media at Clarkson University.