Publications: All

  1. Open Infrastructures for the Future of Knowledge Production

    Open Infrastructures for the Future of Knowledge Production

    2024-07-11 17:58:00 | Presentation | Contributor(s): Kathleen Fitzpatrick |

    infrastructure, open source, scholarly communication

  2. Review of Canada’s Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications (2015)

    Review of Canada’s Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications (2015)

    2024-06-28 17:08:48 | Report | Contributor(s): Caroline Winter, Brittany Amell |

    open access, Tri-Agency, Canada, scholarly communication

  3. The Evolution of a Digital Publishing Platform in Canada

    The Evolution of a Digital Publishing Platform in Canada

    2024-01-26 21:22:38 | Presentation | Contributor(s): Tanja Niemann |

    Érudit supports scholarly journals and their dissemination while the platform is one of the main access points to Canadian research outputs in the humanities and social sciences in French and in English. The past twenty years have been marked by significant changes, including...

  4. Database of Unconventional Dissertation [CSV] -- Companion to Amell 2023

    Database of Unconventional Dissertation [CSV] -- Companion to Amell 2023

    2023-02-06 18:24:23 | Dataset | Contributor(s): Brittany Amell

    This is one source of data gathered between 2019 and 2021 as part of a broader doctoral dissertation research project on unconventional dissertations (Amell, 2023). In addition to collecting responses to questionnaire items and conducting interviews, I also collected and analysed 71...

  5. NewRadial: Revisualizing the Blake Archive

    NewRadial: Revisualizing the Blake Archive

    2022-06-13 18:38:03 | Article | Contributor(s): Jon Saklofske |

    Digital humanities

  6. Towards Open Annotation: Examples and Experiments

    Towards Open Annotation: Examples and Experiments

    2022-06-13 19:30:00 | Article | Contributor(s): Lindsey Seatter |

    Digital Humanities

  7. The Initial Impact of the Open Scholarship Policy Observatory

    The Initial Impact of the Open Scholarship Policy Observatory

    2022-06-23 19:04:19 | Report | Contributor(s): Sarah Milligan, Kimberly Silk, Alyssa Arbuckle, Ray Siemens |

    Digital Humanities

  8. Social Knowledge Creation: Three Annotated Bibliographies

    Social Knowledge Creation: Three Annotated Bibliographies

    2022-06-23 19:11:39 | Article | Contributor(s): Alyssa Arbuckle, Belojevic Nina, Matthew Hiebert, Ray Siemens, Shaun Wong, Derek Siemens, Alex Christie, Jon Saklofske, Jentery Sayers |

    Digital Humanities

  9. Joining Voices: University – Industry Partnerships in the Humanities

    Joining Voices: University – Industry Partnerships in the Humanities

    2022-06-13 18:47:27 | Article | Contributor(s): Lynne Siemens, INKE Research Group |


  10. HCI-Book? Perspectives on E-Book Research, 2006-2008 (Foundational to Implementing New Knowledge Environments)

    HCI-Book? Perspectives on E-Book Research, 2006-2008 (Foundational to Implementing New Knowledge Environments)

    2022-06-13 19:08:02 | Article | Contributor(s): Ray Siemens, Teresa Dobson, Stan Ruecker, Richard Cunningham, Alan Galey, Claire Warwick, Lynne Siemens, Karin Armstrong, Michael Best, Melanie Chernyk, Lynn Copeland, Wendy Duff, Julia Flanders, David Gants, Bertrand Gervais, Karon MacLean, Steve Ramsay, Susan Schriebman, Colin Swindells, Geoffrey Rockwell, Christian Vandendorpe, John Willinsky, Vika Zafrin, HCI-Book Consultative Group, INKE Research Group |

    In most all things that exist at the intersection of several domains, domain-specific cultures have potential to collide, in useful ways as well as others. The book is such a thing—especially so, one might observe, in an age witnessing the book’s seeming redefinition in the midst...

  11. It’s Not Personal: Modernist Remediations of William James’s “Personal Religion”

    It’s Not Personal: Modernist Remediations of William James’s “Personal Religion”

    2022-06-13 18:49:47 | Article | Contributor(s): Graham Jensen |

    literary modernism, literature and religion, Canadian literature, Canadian modernism, William James, E.J. Pratt, personal religion, spiritualism, syncretism

  12. Introduction: From Technical Standards to Research Communities – Implementing New Knowledge Environments Gatherings, Sydney 2014 and Whistler 2015

    Introduction: From Technical Standards to Research Communities – Implementing New Knowledge Environments Gatherings, Sydney 2014 and Whistler 2015

    2022-06-13 18:50:43 | Abstract | Contributor(s): Alyssa Arbuckle, Lynne Siemens, Aaron Mauro |

    scholarly communication, digital humanities, digital publishing

  13. Annotated Bibliography Assignment – 300-level English Course

    Annotated Bibliography Assignment – 300-level English Course

    2023-11-14 18:19:18 | Syllabus | Contributor(s): Caroline Winter |

    English literature