Publications: All

  1. De-mystifying Translation

    De-mystifying Translation

    2024-12-07 23:10:30 | Book | Contributor(s): Lynne Bowker |

    translation, terminology, audiovisual translation, machine translation, localization, adaptation, transcreation, history of translation, summarization

  2. Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication: How Far Can Technology Take Us and What Else Can We Do?

    Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication: How Far Can Technology Take Us and What Else Can We Do?

    2024-12-07 22:55:40 | Article | Contributor(s): Lynne Bowker |

    linguistic diversity, scholarly publishing, multilingualism, machine translation

  3. Deliverable D4.6 – Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (EDIB) in scholarly communication - working with communities to develop resources for multilingualism, gender equity and accessible and inclusive websites

    Deliverable D4.6 – Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (EDIB) in scholarly communication - working with communities to develop resources for multilingualism, gender equity and accessible and inclusive websites

    2024-12-07 22:46:00 | Report | Contributor(s): Lynne Bowker, Janne Pölönen, Mikael Laakso, Claire Redhead |

    Equity Diversity Inclusion and Belonging (EDIB), scholarly publishing

  4. “Shadow CVs”& What They Reveal about Scholarly Failure

    “Shadow CVs”& What They Reveal about Scholarly Failure

    2024-11-16 01:04:31 | Presentation | Contributor(s): Brittany Amell, Katja Thieme |

    failure, rhetorical genre studies, shadow CVs, failure CVs

  5. Engaging with Play and Graduate Writing Development

    Engaging with Play and Graduate Writing Development

    2024-11-16 00:51:22 | Article | Contributor(s): Brittany Amell, Eve-Marie Blouin-Hudon |

    graduate writing, play, writing development

  6. Getting Stuck, Writing Badly, and Other Curious Impressions: Doctoral Writing and Imposter Feelings

    Getting Stuck, Writing Badly, and Other Curious Impressions: Doctoral Writing and Imposter Feelings

    2024-11-16 00:45:50 | Book chapter | Contributor(s): Brittany Amell |

    doctoral writing, imposter syndrome, rhetorical writing and genre studies

  7. Climate Action Plan for BC Municipalities

    Climate Action Plan for BC Municipalities

    2024-11-13 17:24:50 | Manual | Contributor(s): E. B. Klassen |

    climate action, CAP, climate action plan, climate action planning, climate action plan template

  8. A Play on Occlusion: Uptake of Letters to the University President

    A Play on Occlusion: Uptake of Letters to the University President

    2024-11-06 00:25:06 | Article | Contributor(s): Katja Thieme |

    Occlusion is most commonly presented as an aspect of certain genres: occluded genres. Here, occlusion is proposed as a property of the processes by which genres are taken up. While routine use of genres creates expectations around when the genre’s uptake is commonly occluded, such...

  9. RAWLs midterm

    RAWLs midterm

    2024-10-30 21:09:24 | Essay | Contributor(s): Ava Strang |

    midterm for sjs (testing)

  10. Compiling an Online Dictionary based on Field Data: The Case of Kelabit Utilizing TEI/XML, XSLT and ChatGPT
  11. Re-imagining Doctoral Writing

    Re-imagining Doctoral Writing

    2024-09-27 14:24:01 | Book | Contributor(s): Cecile Badenhorst, Brittany Amell, James Burford |

    dissertation writing, doctoral writing, graduate writing, doctoral supervision, graduate supervision, academic literacies, socio-rhetorical writing studies

  12. Towards Sustainable, Global Infrastructures for DH: Some Arguments for Open Source Research Software

    Towards Sustainable, Global Infrastructures for DH: Some Arguments for Open Source Research Software

    2024-09-09 18:44:38 | Presentation | Contributor(s): Graham Jensen, Ray Siemens

    digital humanities, open source software

  13. Open Infrastructures for the Future of Knowledge Production

    Open Infrastructures for the Future of Knowledge Production

    2024-07-11 17:58:00 | Presentation | Contributor(s): Kathleen Fitzpatrick |

    infrastructure, open source, scholarly communication

  14. ‘In this house join, Minting new coin’: Libraries and Knowledge Production in 21st Century Scholarship

    ‘In this house join, Minting new coin’: Libraries and Knowledge Production in 21st Century Scholarship

    2024-07-11 17:42:41 | Presentation | Contributor(s): Jonathan Bengtson |

    The ever-increasing pace of technological development continues to have profound impact, both positive and negative, on the health and well-being of humanity and our environment. Whilst there are elements of this impact that are discipline specific, much is common to all and hard-won insight in...

  15. Review of Canada’s Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications (2015)

    Review of Canada’s Tri-Agency Open Access Policy on Publications (2015)

    2024-06-28 17:08:48 | Report | Contributor(s): Caroline Winter, Brittany Amell |

    open access, Tri-Agency, Canada, scholarly communication

  16. Inextricable: Doctoral writing, engagement, and creativity

    Inextricable: Doctoral writing, engagement, and creativity

    2024-06-24 18:25:50 | Article | Contributor(s): Cecile Badenhorst, Brittany Amell |

    doctoral writing, creativity, learning and engagement, pedagogy

  17. Create an overlay journal in the Canadian HSS Commons

    Create an overlay journal in the Canadian HSS Commons

    2024-05-28 19:16:00 | Course material or learning objects | Contributor(s): Alan Colin-Arce, Graham Jensen, Alyssa Arbuckle, Caroline Winter, Sajib Ghosh, Hanh Pham, Ray Siemens, INKE and ETCL Research Groups, HUBzero ( |

    Canadian HSS Commons, community building, knowledge mobilization

  18. Publish, share, and measure the impact of your research in the Canadian HSS Commons

    Publish, share, and measure the impact of your research in the Canadian HSS Commons

    2024-05-28 19:13:32 | Course material or learning objects | Contributor(s): Alan Colin-Arce, Graham Jensen, Alyssa Arbuckle, Caroline Winter, Sajib Ghosh, Hanh Pham, Ray Siemens, INKE and ETCL Research Groups, HUBzero ( |

    Canadian HSS Commons, community building, knowledge mobilization

  19. Database of unconventional dissertations--Companion to Amell (2023)

    Database of unconventional dissertations--Companion to Amell (2023)

    2024-05-17 19:53:53 | Dataset | Contributor(s): Brittany Amell |

    unconventional dissertations, scholarly communications, unconventional scholarship, broadened scholarship, multimodal scholarship

  20. Forward Linking 2024 - Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) for Objects

    Forward Linking 2024 - Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) for Objects

    2024-05-09 20:25:28 | Conference publication | Contributor(s): Lisa Goddard |

    linked open data; humanities data; persistent identifiers; PIDs; DOIs; libraries