Publications: Article

  1. Palmieri, Paolo. Hermes and the Telescope: In the Crucible of Galileo’s Life-World
  2. Chabás, José, and Bernard R. Goldstein. Essays on Medieval Computational Astronomy
  3. Zack, Maria and Elaine Landry, eds. Research in the History and Philosophy of Mathematics: The CHSPM 2014 Annual Meeting in St. Catherine’s, Ontario
  4. King, David A. Islamic Astronomy and Geography

    King, David A. Islamic Astronomy and Geography

    Contributor(s): Richard Lorch

  5. Turcan, Robert. Recherches Mithriaques. Quarante ans de questions et d’investigations
  6. Before Copernicus and Copernicus

    Before Copernicus and Copernicus

    Contributor(s): Matjaž Vesel

  7. Sjöblad, Aron. Metaphorical Coherence: Studies in Seneca’s Epistulae Morales
  8. Struck, Peter T. Divination and Human Nature: A Cognitive History of Intuition in Classical Antiquity
  9. Beretta, Marco. La rivoluzione culturale di Lucrezio. Filosofia e scienza nell’antica Roma
  10. Greenbaum, Dorian Gieseler. The Daimon in Hellenistic Astrology: Origins and Influence
  11. Steele, John M. The Circulation of Astronomical Knowledge in the Ancient World
  12. Delire, Jean-Michel. Les mathématiques de l’autel védique. Le Baudhāyana Śulbasūtra et son commentaire Śulbadīpikā
  13. Gázquez, José Martínez. The Attitude of the Medieval Latin Translators towards the Arabic Sciences
  14. Bronstein, David. Aristotle on Knowledge and Learning: The Posterior Analytics
  15. Meeussen, Michiel. Plutarch’s Science of Natural Problems: A Study with Commentary on Quaestiones Naturales
  16. Lloyd, Geoffrey, and Aparecida Vilaça, eds. Science in the Forest, Science in the Past
  17. Hahn, Robert. The Metaphysics of the Pythagorean Theorem: Thales, Pythagoras, Engineering, Diagrams, and the Construction of the Cosmos out of Right Triangles
  18. Marganne, Marie-Hélène, and Antonio Ricciardetto, eds. En marge du Serment hippocratique. Contrats et serments dans le monde gréco-romain
  19. Falcon, Andrea. Aristotelismo

    Falcon, Andrea. Aristotelismo

    Contributor(s): Marilù Papandreou

  20. Craik, Elizabeth M. The ‘Hippocratic’ Corpus: Content and Context