Publications: Article

  1. 'Now Shall I See the Fall of Babylon': The Spanish Tragedy as a Reformation Play of Daniel
  2. 'Pastas & Pizzas': influssi dell'italiano sulla terminologia alimentare nordamericana
  3. 'Polyphonic' Parthenope: Boccaccio's Letter XIII and his 'Plebeian' Naples, According to Domenico Rea
  4. 'Sleep' - 'Dream' — 'Vision': Some Signifiers and designata in Latin and the Romance Languages
  5. 'Stone Walls' and ‘I’ron Bars': Richard Lovelace and the Conventions of Seventeenth-Century Prison Literature

    'Stone Walls' and ‘I’ron Bars': Richard Lovelace and the Conventions of Seventeenth-Century Prison Literature

    Contributor(s): Raymond A. Anselment

    In transcending stone walls and iron bars, Lovelace's well-known song "To Althea, From Prison" celebrates a freedom distinctly at odds with prevailing, often religiously inspired transformations of seventeenth-century carceral realities. Lovelace's celebration of "Minds innocent and quiet"...

  6. 'Tales Worked in Blood and Bone': Words and Images as Scalpel and Suture in Graphic Narratives

    'Tales Worked in Blood and Bone': Words and Images as Scalpel and Suture in Graphic Narratives

    2022-06-13 19:51:45 | Contributor(s): Jon Saklofske |

    Digital humanities

  7. 'Teach Me This Pedlar's French': The Allure of Cant in The Roaring Girl and Dekker's Rogue Pamphlets

    'Teach Me This Pedlar's French': The Allure of Cant in The Roaring Girl and Dekker's Rogue Pamphlets

    Contributor(s): Miles Taylor

    Dans The Roaring Girl de Dekker et Middleton, ainsi que dans les pamphlets délinquants de Dekker, des citoyens respectables de Londres, fascinés par l’argot des bas-fonds de la société jacobéenne, offrent de payer Moll Cutpurse et des libraires, afin de se familiariser avec ce langage marginal....

  8. 'The Country is Large, and Beautiful and Happy.' Lelio Pecci’s Travel Journal of his 1549 Mission to Flanders

    'The Country is Large, and Beautiful and Happy.' Lelio Pecci’s Travel Journal of his 1549 Mission to Flanders

    Contributor(s): Elena Brizio

    Lelio Pecci’s travel journal for his mission to Emperor Charles V in Flanders offers modern readers a layman’s description of a large section of Europe (from northern Italy to France, Flanders, Germany, and Austria), as well as a priviledged view into the mind of a learned man from a...

  9. (Ri)scoprire la Spagna attraverso la traduzione: Leonardo Sciascia e l’affaire Lorca
  10. (Un)Human Relations: Transhumanism in Francesco Verso’s Nexhuman

    (Un)Human Relations: Transhumanism in Francesco Verso’s Nexhuman

    Contributor(s): Jana Vizmuller-Zocco

    Transhumanism is an international movement which es­pouses the idea that any human organ, function, sense, ability, can be augmented and ameliorated with the judicious use of technology. The ethical, cultural, social, biological, economic implications for this view are far-reaching and point to a...

  11. 16th Century Continental Editions and Authors in the Forbes Collection

    16th Century Continental Editions and Authors in the Forbes Collection

    2023-06-15 18:45:24 | Contributor(s): Natalie Zemon Davis

  12. A 'tröstlich pictura': Luther's Attitude in the Question of Images
  13. A Case Study of the Reception of Aristotle in Early Protestantism: The Platonic Idea of the Good in the Commentaries on the Nicomachean Ethics

    A Case Study of the Reception of Aristotle in Early Protestantism: The Platonic Idea of the Good in the Commentaries on the Nicomachean Ethics

    Contributor(s): Alfonso Herreros

    The present article examines the philosophical ethics of Protestants teaching in higher education during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and their reception of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, 1.6. Two theses are illustrated. First, the survey of fourteen commentaries shows clear parallels...

  14. A Catholic Theologian Responds to Copernicanism: The Theological Judicium of Paolo Foscarini’s Lettera

    A Catholic Theologian Responds to Copernicanism: The Theological Judicium of Paolo Foscarini’s Lettera

    Contributor(s): Irving A. Kelter

    This paper is an in-depth analysis of the Carmelite Paolo Foscarini's role in the debate on Copernican cosmology in the early seventeenth century. Using as a point of departure the 1616 Judicium issued by the Catholic Church against Foscarini's pro-Copernican treatise, this analysis will lead to...

  15. A Census of Emblem Books in Toronto. List I, Part Two

    A Census of Emblem Books in Toronto. List I, Part Two

    2023-04-13 21:51:07 | Contributor(s): Beatrice Corrigan

  16. A Census of Emblem Books in Toronto. Part One, List I

    A Census of Emblem Books in Toronto. Part One, List I

    2023-04-18 19:04:06 | Contributor(s): Beatrice Corrigan

  17. A Century and More of Italians in Toronto: An Overview of Settlement

    A Century and More of Italians in Toronto: An Overview of Settlement

    Contributor(s): Gabriele Scardellato

    Through the use of various published and original sources this study outlines the reception and settlement of Italian immigrants in a modern Canadian urban environment. Substantial Italian migration and immigration to Toronto began in the late nineteenth century. The first migrants and immigrants...

  18. A Charitable 'Façade'? The Sculptural Decoration of the Scuola Grande di San Marco

    A Charitable 'Façade'? The Sculptural Decoration of the Scuola Grande di San Marco

    Contributor(s): Lorenzo G. Buonanno

    The meetinghouse of the Scuola Grande di San Marco possessed the most extravagant façade of any confraternity in Venice. At the same time, however, its sculptural decoration contained more references to charity than were found on any other scuola’s meetinghouse. This essay posits...

  19. A Checklist of French Political and Religious Pamphlets, 1560-1635, in the University of Toronto Library

    A Checklist of French Political and Religious Pamphlets, 1560-1635, in the University of Toronto Library

    2023-06-15 18:47:27 | Contributor(s): Natalie Zemon Davis, John A. McClelland

  20. A Collection of Books Relating to the History and Philosophy of Science

    A Collection of Books Relating to the History and Philosophy of Science

    2023-04-18 19:20:05 | Contributor(s): Stillman Drake