Publications: Article

  1. “Or whatever you be”: Crossdressing, Sex, and Gender Labour in John Lyly’s Gallathea

    “Or whatever you be”: Crossdressing, Sex, and Gender Labour in John Lyly’s Gallathea

    Contributor(s): Simone Chess

    This article explores sociologist Jane Ward’s gender and sexuality theory: the notion of “gender labour,” in which a cisgender (not crossdressed or trans*) partner participates in co-creating his or her partner’s queer gender. While work on gender labour thus far has focused on contemporary...

  2. “Più eretico d’ogni altro frate tragediante in quel secolo”. Francesco Ringhieri, monaco e drammaturgo, tra testi, polemiche, attori e documenti

    “Più eretico d’ogni altro frate tragediante in quel secolo”. Francesco Ringhieri, monaco e drammaturgo, tra testi, polemiche, attori e documenti

    Contributor(s): Gianni Cicali

    Il saggio, attraverso testi e documenti, mette in luce alcune caratteristiche della drammaturgia di Francesco Ringhieri (Imola 1721-1787), segnatamente quelle più legate alla messinscena, alla spettacolarità, alla recitazione, al rapporto con l’opera in musica, ma anche alla...

  3. “Project ‘94”: A Report on a Collection of Studies and an Exhibition on Confraternities in the Puglie, Italy
  4. “Real versus ideal”: Utopia and the Early Modern Satirical Tradition

    “Real versus ideal”: Utopia and the Early Modern Satirical Tradition

    Contributor(s): Bernd Renner

    Building on previous studies of satire in Thomas More’s Utopia, this article aims at situating More’s founding text of utopian literature more firmly in the early modern satirical tradition, a tradition that gradually dissociated itself from its conventional generic definition informed by...

  5. “remembrest right”: Remembering the Dead in John Donne’s Songs and Sonets

    “remembrest right”: Remembering the Dead in John Donne’s Songs and Sonets

    Contributor(s): Abram Steen

    Cet article examine l’intense préoccupation pour la mort et la nécessité de se souvenir des morts dans les Songs and Sonets de John Donne. L’auteur étudie ce phénomène en rapport avec l’interdiction protestante des rituels d’intercession. L’auteur montre que ces poèmes contenus dans des...

  6. “Saucy Stink”: Smells, Sanitation, and Conflict in Early Modern London

    “Saucy Stink”: Smells, Sanitation, and Conflict in Early Modern London

    Contributor(s): Alexandra Logue

    This article examines olfactory offenses in early modern London. It explores how inhabitants managed causes of malodorous air, focusing on common nuisances stemming from everyday household practices like laundry and waste management. Clotheslines were hung up between lodgings, households disposed...

  7. “Something Terrible in Me“: A Note on Demon-Possession and Suicide in Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury

    “Something Terrible in Me“: A Note on Demon-Possession and Suicide in Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury

    2022-06-13 19:56:00 | Contributor(s): Graham Jensen |

    Literature and religion, literary modernism, modernism, The Sound and the Fury, William Faulkner

  8. “Sparkes Of Holy Things”: Neostoicism and The English Protestant Conscience
  9. “The Illumination of Confraternity and Guild Statutes in Venice, ca. 1260–1500: Mariegola Production, Inonography, and Use.”
  10. “The Mouth of Christ Alone”: Luther’s Eine treue Vermahnung (1522) on the Weak in Faith

    “The Mouth of Christ Alone”: Luther’s Eine treue Vermahnung (1522) on the Weak in Faith

    Contributor(s): Neil R. Leroux

    Cet article examine un petit mais très important ouvrage que Luther a écrit avant de quitter pour toujours le château de Wartbourg, au début de mars 1522. A Sincere Admonition to All Christians présente des idées et un langage caractéristiques que l’on retrouve dans les sermons Invocavit....

  11. “The Obedience due to Princes”: Absolutism in Pseudo-Martyr

    “The Obedience due to Princes”: Absolutism in Pseudo-Martyr

    Contributor(s): Phebe Jensen

    This paper attempts to tease out the contemporary political resonances found in John Donne’s Pseudo-Martyr. While it is true that Pseudo-Martyr aligns itself with absolutism, it does so in a very complex and ambivalent manner, rejecting political patriarchalism and adopting a moderate sense of...

  12. “The Picture of Poverty: Charitable and Artistic Patronage in Renaissance Venice”
  13. “The Truth Will Out”: Blushing, Involuntary Confession and Self-knowledge in the Heptaméron

    “The Truth Will Out”: Blushing, Involuntary Confession and Self-knowledge in the Heptaméron

    Contributor(s): Nora M. Peterson

    Dans un texte envahi par les allusions aux confessions et aux désirs charnels, est-il possible de réconcilier le corps pris en flagrant délit de sensualité avec le désir de contrôle et de spiritualité? Cet article explore la signification du rougissement en tant que confession involontiare de la...

  14. “The Very Ragged Bone”: Dismantling Masculinity in Thomas Middleton’s The Revenger’s Tragedy

    “The Very Ragged Bone”: Dismantling Masculinity in Thomas Middleton’s The Revenger’s Tragedy

    Contributor(s): Aimee Ross-Kilroy

    Les lecteurs de The Revenger’s Tragedy soulignent souvent comment Middleton imite Hamlet, surtout par son usage de la parodie. Toutefois, ces remarques oublient de noter que Middleton ne fait pas que l’imiter, mais qu’il le critique également. Cette critique consiste entre autre en un examen...

  15. “Things Themselves”: Francis Bacon’s Epistemological Reform and the Maintenance of the State

    “Things Themselves”: Francis Bacon’s Epistemological Reform and the Maintenance of the State

    Contributor(s): Andrew Barnaby

    This essay attempts to provide a specific cultural context for Francis Bacon's project of natural philosophical reform. Documenting Bacon's earliest understanding of the link between the nature and uses of natural philosophy and what he would call the "care of the commonwealth," it moves from a...

  16. “Till I in hand her yet halfe trembling tooke”: Doctrines of Justification in Edmund Spenser’s Amoretti

    “Till I in hand her yet halfe trembling tooke”: Doctrines of Justification in Edmund Spenser’s Amoretti

    Contributor(s): Lauren Shufran

    This article claims there is an underlying soteriological conceit in Spenser’s Amoretti (1595) concerning the roles that “works” and “grace” play in the beloved’s requital: roles with theological analogues in justification, the means by which people were declared righteous before God. I show how...

  17. “To Live Piously and to Help the Needy Poor”: The Consortium of S. Allessandro in Colonna, in Bergamo

    “To Live Piously and to Help the Needy Poor”: The Consortium of S. Allessandro in Colonna, in Bergamo

    Contributor(s): Christopher Carlsmith, Louisa Foroughi

    This essay explores the activities of the Italian consortium of S. Alessandro in Colonna in Bergamo, through an analysis and translation of the Regola (Rule) that governed it for nearly five centuries. Written in Latin in 1363–65, and republished in Italian in the late sixteenth century, the...

  18. “To Warn Proud Cities”: a Topical Reference in Milton’s “Airy Knights” Simile (Paradise Lost II.531-8)

    “To Warn Proud Cities”: a Topical Reference in Milton’s “Airy Knights” Simile (Paradise Lost II.531-8)

    Contributor(s): John Leonard

    In Paradise Lost II.531-8 modern editors often see an allusion to Josephus’ account of armies appearing in the sky shortly before the fall of Jerusalem. In fact, reports of spectral soldiers and aerial battles were quite common in seventeenth-century English pamphlets, such as Mirabilis Annus and...

  19. “Tous mes livres de langues estrangeres”: Reconstructing the Legatum Scaligeri in Leyden University Library

    “Tous mes livres de langues estrangeres”: Reconstructing the Legatum Scaligeri in Leyden University Library

    Contributor(s): Kasper Van Ommen

    Josephus Justus Scaliger, né en 1540 à Agen près de Bordeaux, accepta l’invitation de la nouvelle université de Leyde, et s’y installa en 1593 et y exerca comme professeur jusqu’à sa mort en 1609. De sa prise de fonction jusque son trépas, il ne quitta plus Leyde, où il fut enterré et sans cesse...

  20. “Trying to Walk on Logs in Water”: John Donne, Religion, and the Critical Tradition

    “Trying to Walk on Logs in Water”: John Donne, Religion, and the Critical Tradition

    Contributor(s): Jeanne Shami

    Cet article examine la religion de John Donne du point de vue historique ainsi que littéraire, en mettant en valeur ses rapports avec les branches catholique et réformée de l’église anglicane en début de l’époque des Stuart. Ses écrits révèlent les fêlures de cette église et illuminent les...