Publications: All

  1. “Deir Sister”: The Letters of John Knox to Anne Vaughan Lok

    “Deir Sister”: The Letters of John Knox to Anne Vaughan Lok

    Article | Contributor(s): Susan M. Felch

    Anne Vaughan Lok was a prominent supporter of the protestant cause and an active participant in the early reformed communities of the mid-sixteenth century. Although recent scholarship on Anne Lok seems to indicate that she may have felt hindered by her own gender and overly dependent on male...

  2. “Des responses et rencontres”: Frank Speech and Self-Knowledge in Guillaume Bouchet’s Serées

    “Des responses et rencontres”: Frank Speech and Self-Knowledge in Guillaume Bouchet’s Serées

    Article | Contributor(s): Luke O’Sullivan

    Guillaume Bouchet’s Serées (1584, 1597, 1598) constitute an exercise in commonplacing framed as a collection of tales told around a Poitevin dining table. They engage in a form of quasi-philosophical thinking staged by and for an urban merchant community, the social world in which Bouchet...

  3. “E poi in Roma ognuno è Aretino”: Pasquino, Aretino, and the Concealed Self

    “E poi in Roma ognuno è Aretino”: Pasquino, Aretino, and the Concealed Self

    Article | Contributor(s): Marco Faini

    This article explores Pietro Aretino’s pasquinade production as a crucial phase in the construction of his public and literary persona that is characterized by a peculiar effacement of the author’s voice. The article then focuses on issues of anonymity and authorship in the fifteenth and...

  4. “Encores me frissonne et tremble le coeur dedans sa capsule”: Rabelais’s Anatomy of Emotion and the Soul

    “Encores me frissonne et tremble le coeur dedans sa capsule”: Rabelais’s Anatomy of Emotion and the Soul

    Article | Contributor(s): Emmanuelle Lacore-Martin

    This article examines the role of anatomical references in the representation of emotion and argues that they constitute textual markers of the Rabelaisian view of the relationship between the body and the soul, and the nature of the soul itself. By analyzing the ancient models of natural...

  5. “Et questa è la storia et la festa.” Il festival orvietano del 1508 e la microsocietà del capitolo della cattedrale

    “Et questa è la storia et la festa.” Il festival orvietano del 1508 e la microsocietà del capitolo della cattedrale

    Article | Contributor(s): Mara Nerbano

    Nel periodo compreso tra il 7 maggio e il 20 agosto 1508, a Orvieto, furono messe in scena cinque suggestive sacre rappresentazioni. A darne notizia è il canonico del duomo ser Tommaso di Silvestro, autore di una cronaca degli anni 1482-1514. Il contesto in cui fiorirono tali eventi è quello...

  6. “Faster Alone, Further Together”: Reflections on INKE’s Year Six

    “Faster Alone, Further Together”: Reflections on INKE’s Year Six

    2022-06-13 18:33:56 | Article | Contributor(s): Lynne Siemens |

    Digital humanities

  7. “Forgers of Falsehood, Physicians of Nought”: Retailing Fictions in Boccaccio’s Decameron

    “Forgers of Falsehood, Physicians of Nought”: Retailing Fictions in Boccaccio’s Decameron

    Article | Contributor(s): T. F. Gittes

    Whereas Petrarch’s portrait of his doctor in Invectives Against a Physician is deliberately caricatural and seized at a glance, Boccaccio’s attitude towards doctors in the Decameron is far harder to grasp and easily overlooked. Yet, doctors and medical science are a central concern of the...

  8. “Francis and the Minstrels of God:” Performing the Music of the Medieval Italian Laudesi Companies
  9. “God may open more than man maye vnderstande”: Lady Margaret Beaufort’s Translation of the De Imitatione Christi

    “God may open more than man maye vnderstande”: Lady Margaret Beaufort’s Translation of the De Imitatione Christi

    Article | Contributor(s): Patricia Demers

    Bien que l’oeuvre de Lady Margaret Beaufort, première femme anglaise à être publiée, ait été le plus souvent négligée au profit de ses talents de stratège du camp des Lancastre ou de son rôle de fondatrice de la dynastie des Tudor, les analyses de Brenda Hosington et de Stephanie Morley ont...

  10. “Godo d’essere italiano” : Saverio Almatura tra letteratura e arti figurative del Risorgimento

    “Godo d’essere italiano” : Saverio Almatura tra letteratura e arti figurative del Risorgimento

    Article | Contributor(s): Vincenzo Caputo

    L’intervento si pone l’obiettivo di analizzare lo scritto autobiografico del pittore Saverio Altamura (1896). Tra la fine dell’Ottocento e l’inizio del Novecento numerosi artisti, napoletani di nascita o d’adozione (Altamura era nato a Foggia, ma si era formato nella città partenopea), elaborano...

  11. “I am as I have Spoken”: The Act of Naming in Macbeth

    “I am as I have Spoken”: The Act of Naming in Macbeth

    Article | Contributor(s): Carmine G. Di Biase

    Beaucoup de l’action de Macbeth se caractérise par ce que la théorie des actes de parole appellerait des actes performatifs, des actes de nomination qui non seulement identifient la personne ou la chose nommée mais aussi effectuent un changement dans le monde de la pièce. Tels actes de parole,...

  12. “I am Just a Policeman”: The Case of Carlo Lucarelli’s and Maurizio de Giovanni’s Historical Crime Novels Set during Fascism

    “I am Just a Policeman”: The Case of Carlo Lucarelli’s and Maurizio de Giovanni’s Historical Crime Novels Set during Fascism

    Article | Contributor(s): Barbara Pezzotti

    This article analyzes two successful Italian novels set during the Ventennio and the Second World War, namely Carlo Lucarelli’s Carta bianca (1990) and Maurizio De Giovanni’s Per mano mia (2011). It shows how Lucarelli confronts the troubling adherence to Fascism through a novel in which...

  13. “I am that I preach”: Tyndale as Mediator in The Parable of the Wicked Mammon

    “I am that I preach”: Tyndale as Mediator in The Parable of the Wicked Mammon

    Article | Contributor(s): Rudolph P. Almasy

    Cet article explore le climat discursif de The Parable of the Wicked Mammon de William Tyndale pour proposer que la théologie réformatrice de Tyndale lui imposait une confrontation avec les problèmes posés par la rhétorique et la médiation, lorqu’il a composé ce qui semble être un traité...

  14. “I buoni ammaestramenti che a ogni ora e sopra a ogni caso e’ riceverà da lui.” Un nuovo archetipo di padre mercante nei Ricordi di Giovanni di Pagolo Morelli

    “I buoni ammaestramenti che a ogni ora e sopra a ogni caso e’ riceverà da lui.” Un nuovo archetipo di padre mercante nei Ricordi di Giovanni di Pagolo Morelli

    Article | Contributor(s): Deborah Pellegrino

    Questo saggio propone una nuova lettura dei Ricordi di Giovanni Morelli, un’opera composita e funzionale in cui l’autore intesse un ritratto estremamente potente di sé, che diventa tanto più deciso quanto più contrasta con quello del padre Pagolo, e che si concretizza chiaramente negli...

  15. “I Buonomini di San Martino: Patrons and Facilitators of the Visual Arts in Quattrocento Florence”

    “I Buonomini di San Martino: Patrons and Facilitators of the Visual Arts in Quattrocento Florence”

    Article | Contributor(s): Samantha Hughes-Johnson

    The charitable activities carried out by the Buonomini di San Martino during the Quattrocento have been reasonably well documented by modern historians. Nevertheless, the patronage and financial aid bestowed on fifteenth-century Florentine artists and artisans by this lay confraternity remains...

  16. “I did not die, nor did I stay alive:” The Dark Grace of Nonexistence in Inferno XXXIV

    “I did not die, nor did I stay alive:” The Dark Grace of Nonexistence in Inferno XXXIV

    Article | Contributor(s): Francis J. Caponi

    In the final canto of Inferno, Dante confronts Dis, “la creatura ch’ebbe il bel sembiante” (XXXIV.18). In response, the poet declares: “Io non mori’ e non rimasi vivo; / pensa oggimai per te, s’hai fior d’ingegno, / qual io divenni, d’uno e d’altro privo.” (XXXIV.22-27) Beneath this apparently...

  17. “I haue often such a sickly inclination” Biography and the Critical Interpretation of Donne's Suicide Tract, Biathanatos

    “I haue often such a sickly inclination” Biography and the Critical Interpretation of Donne's Suicide Tract, Biathanatos

    2022-06-13 18:32:48 | Article | Contributor(s): Ray Siemens |

    Literary Studies

  18. “If you could send over your documents to the photostat department...”: Paris Peace Conference Documentation and the Advent of Microfilm

    “If you could send over your documents to the photostat department...”: Paris Peace Conference Documentation and the Advent of Microfilm

    2023-06-14 04:58:04 | Presentation | Contributor(s): Peter Binkley

    Robert C. Binkley, Microfilm, Library History, New Deal, 1930s

  19. “Il ridervi de la goffezza del dire”: Niccolò Franco et la satire napolitaine du pétrarquisme

    “Il ridervi de la goffezza del dire”: Niccolò Franco et la satire napolitaine du pétrarquisme

    Article | Contributor(s): Roland Béhar

    This essay explores the Neapolitan background of Niccolò Franco and argues that although the main purpose of his Il Petrarchista (Venice, 1539) was certainly a kind of Erasmian and Aretinian satire of the Petrarchist mode which grounded Pietro Bembo’s Prose della volgar lingua (1525), still not...

  20. “Illegal” Pawns for “Immoral” Loans: Testing the Limits of the Monti di Pietà in Late Fifteenth-Century Tuscany

    “Illegal” Pawns for “Immoral” Loans: Testing the Limits of the Monti di Pietà in Late Fifteenth-Century Tuscany

    Article | Contributor(s): Paola Pinelli

    Les archives toscanes contiennent une importante documentation illustrant divers aspects des premières années des prêteurs sur gages des Monti di Pietà. On y trouve de riches informations sur le sexe et le statut des emprunteurs, sur les montants empruntés, sur les intérêts, ainsi que sur les...