Publications: Article


    Contributor(s): Laurie Johnson

    This is a review of

  2. Ancín, Miguel González, and Otis Towns. Miguel Servet en España (1506–1527). Edición ampliada
  3. Ancora su Lope e Marino

    Ancora su Lope e Marino

    Contributor(s): Paolo Cherchi

  4. And My Immigrant Ship Sails On: Returning on Deck with Ricci’s Lives of the Saints Trilogy

    And My Immigrant Ship Sails On: Returning on Deck with Ricci’s Lives of the Saints Trilogy

    Contributor(s): Gabriel Niccoli

    This article addresses the theme of nostos and of immigrant journeying by locating the author and his memories on the very liner Saturnia that brought, in an eerily fanciful quirk of fate, Ricci’s young protagonist and his mother to Canada. The writer frames his reading of Ricci’s Lives of the...

  5. Andate e ritorni nella trilogia di Nino Ricci

    Andate e ritorni nella trilogia di Nino Ricci

    Contributor(s): Carmen Concilio

  6. Andrea Malaguti. Straniere a se stesse. Identità femminili e stilistica visuale nel cinema di Michelangelo Antonioni degli anni cinquanta
  7. Andrew Willet, England's First Religious Emblem Writer

    Andrew Willet, England's First Religious Emblem Writer

    Contributor(s): Peter M. Daly, Paola Valeri-Tomaszuk

  8. Aneau, des Emblèmes d'Alciat et de l'Imagination poétique aux Métamorphoses d'Ovide: pratique d'un commentaire

    Aneau, des Emblèmes d'Alciat et de l'Imagination poétique aux Métamorphoses d'Ovide: pratique d'un commentaire

    Contributor(s): Marie Claude Malenfant, Jean-Claude Moisan

    La pratique du commentaire chez Aneau, telle qu'elle s'affine dans son oeuvre d'emblématiste, de traducteur et de commentateur, "emblématise" cette tendance renaissante où l'interprétant des textes réitère la glose séculaire tout en s'appropriant cette tradition. Ainsi le commentaire anellien...

  9. Angel novo (Casa, Rime 37)

    Angel novo (Casa, Rime 37)

    Contributor(s): Raffaele Manica

  10. Ann Lawson Lucas. Emilio Salgari. Una mitologia tra letteratura, politica, società. Vol. I: Fine secolo 1883–1915. La verità di una vita letteraria
  11. Anna Frabetti, Laura Toppan, a cura di. “Studi per Vincenzo Consolo. Con lo scrivere si può forse cambiare il mondo.” Recherches, culture et histoire dans l’espace roman. n° 21
  12. Annie in Wonderland: Vivanti's Sua Altezza! and Children's Literature During Fascism
  13. Announcements / Annonces

    Announcements / Annonces

    Contributor(s): Author Not Applicable

  14. Announcements / Annonces

    Announcements / Annonces

    Contributor(s): Author Not Applicable

  15. Announcements / Annonces

    Announcements / Annonces

    Contributor(s): Author Not Applicable

  16. Announcements / Annonces

    Announcements / Annonces

    Contributor(s): Author Not Applicable

  17. Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America

    Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America

    2023-04-18 19:54:31 | Contributor(s): Victor Graham

  18. AntConc (Version 3.5.8) / WordSmith Tools (Version 8)

    AntConc (Version 3.5.8) / WordSmith Tools (Version 8)

    Contributor(s): Emily Louisa Smith

    This is a review of AntConc (Version 3.5.8) / WordSmith Tools (Version 8).

  19. Anthony Mollica. Ludolinguistica. Imparare una lingua con giochi di parole
  20. Anthony, Laurence, project dir. AntConc (Version 3.5.8); Scott, Michael, project dir. WordSmith Tools (Version 8).