Publications: Article

  1. « Des vers hors de rime, et de raison » : réflexions poétiques et définition de soi dans Les Amours de Christofle de Beaujeu

    « Des vers hors de rime, et de raison » : réflexions poétiques et définition de soi dans Les Amours de Christofle de Beaujeu

    Contributor(s): Ugo Pais

    Read by a limited readership of critics and connoiseurs of literary curiosities, Christofle de Beaujeu’s work has often been subject to negative judgment. “Unrestrained” or “mediocre” are the adjectives most often applied to it. Beaujeu’s major work, the collected Amours, contains a few...

  2. « Marot y fut » : Le Discours de la court de Claude Chappuys

    « Marot y fut » : Le Discours de la court de Claude Chappuys

    Contributor(s): Florian Preisig

    In 1543 Claude Chappuys published Le Discours de la court, a long poem in praise of the court of Francis I. This text, a hybrid of moral allegory and enumerative discourse, recalls themes, structures, and poetic language that can be found in Guillaume de Lorris, Jean Lemaire de Belges, and above...

  3. « Moy Traductrice » : le façonnement de la figure auctoriale dans le paratexte des traductions de Marie de Gournay

    « Moy Traductrice » : le façonnement de la figure auctoriale dans le paratexte des traductions de Marie de Gournay

    Contributor(s): Jean-Philippe Beaulieu

    Marie Le Jars de Gournay’s prolific textual production has attracted increasing scholarly attention in the last few years. One of the still relatively understudied parts of her oeuvre comprises the five translations from Latin that occupy 274 out of the 995 pages of her 1641 Advis. As Montaigne’s...

  4. « Nous sommes morts de peur » : considérations pathémiques sur les opuscules antiturcs de Marko Marulić de Split

    « Nous sommes morts de peur » : considérations pathémiques sur les opuscules antiturcs de Marko Marulić de Split

    Contributor(s): Ivan C. Kraljić

    The incursions of the Ottomans into Europe starting in the fourteenth century gave rise to a particular genre of literature known as “antiturcic” (antiturcica), by turns warlike, prophetic, and historical. In this vein, the Dalmatian Marko Marulić of Split (1450–1524) composed a Prayer against...

  5. « Quant à ce beau discours du mespris du monde ... »: Foi calviniste et plaisirs mondains chez quatre grandes dames de la Réforme en France

    « Quant à ce beau discours du mespris du monde ... »: Foi calviniste et plaisirs mondains chez quatre grandes dames de la Réforme en France

    Contributor(s): Jane Couchman

    Le rejet des « vanités de ce monde » tient, on le sait, une place prépondérante dans la théologie calviniste. Cette étude explore le rôle de ces « plaisirs mondains » dans les lettres et les mémoires de quatre des grandes dames de la Réforme en France : Louise de Coligny (1555–1620),...

  6. « Si je ne suis pas sans reproches, du moins suis-je sans peur »: la passion dévorante de Pierre de Boscosel de Chastelard

    « Si je ne suis pas sans reproches, du moins suis-je sans peur »: la passion dévorante de Pierre de Boscosel de Chastelard

    Contributor(s): Hervé-Thomas Campangne

    Descendant du chevalier Bayard, Pierre de Boscosel de Chastelard faisait partie de la compagnie de gentilshommes qui accompagnèrent Marie Stuart en Écosse après la mort de François II. Épris de la reine, il se cacha sous son lit en espérant peut-être séduire sa bien-aimée ; la souveraine...

  7. « Treschevaleureux capitaines » contre « crocheteurs de flascons » : lecteurs et lectorats dans les Fascetieux devitz des Cent nouvelles nouvelles du Seigneur de La Motte Roullant

    « Treschevaleureux capitaines » contre « crocheteurs de flascons » : lecteurs et lectorats dans les Fascetieux devitz des Cent nouvelles nouvelles du Seigneur de La Motte Roullant

    Contributor(s): Nora Viet

    During the Renaissance, the short narrative owes its success partly to its social ubiquity: fables, fabliaux, and short stories circulated in very different realms, from the court to humanist circles, from bourgeois society to the clergy. However, with the popularity of the short story collection...

  8. «Aux tresors dissipez l'on cognoist le malfaict»: Hiérarchie sociale et transgression des ordonnances somptuaires en France, 1543-1606

    «Aux tresors dissipez l'on cognoist le malfaict»: Hiérarchie sociale et transgression des ordonnances somptuaires en France, 1543-1606

    Contributor(s): Pascal Bastien

    By comparing the eleven sumptuary laws enacted between the reigns of François I and Henri IV, the author intends to demonstrate that their iterative character, which at first glance seems a sign of their ineffectiveness, is in fact the expression of a disequilibrium between the claims ofthe...

  9. «Che è occulto come in erba l’angue» (If. 7.84). Storia di un’immagine dantesca dall’antichità al Rinascimento

    «Che è occulto come in erba l’angue» (If. 7.84). Storia di un’immagine dantesca dall’antichità al Rinascimento

    Contributor(s): Damiano Acciarino

    Questo lavoro nasce con l’intento di studiare l’evoluzione nei secoli di un’immagine poetica, sorta nell’antichità e riadattata, in molteplici forme, fino al Rinascimento. Si tratta del serpente tra i fiori celato nell’erba, permeabile a varie infiltrazioni di carattere simbolico, allegorico,...

  10. «Le bonheur selon Érasme»: Avant-propos

    «Le bonheur selon Érasme»: Avant-propos

    Contributor(s): Brenda Dunn-Lardeau

  11. «Les interests du sexe»: dédicataires féminins et réseaux de sociabilité chez Marie de Gournay

    «Les interests du sexe»: dédicataires féminins et réseaux de sociabilité chez Marie de Gournay

    Contributor(s): Jean-Philippe Beaulieu, Hannah Fournier

    Even though Marie de Gournay's (1565-1645) numerous texts contain only a few direct references to the activities of the "salons" in the first half of the seventeenth century, they show ample evidence of the author's presence in public and social life. Through anecdotes, allusive references and...

  12. «Les Païens de la Pléiade»: L'Érotisme dans les Folastries de Ronsard et dans les Gayetez d'Olivier de Magny

    «Les Païens de la Pléiade»: L'Érotisme dans les Folastries de Ronsard et dans les Gayetez d'Olivier de Magny

    Contributor(s): David Dorais

    This article compares the eroticism of Ronsard's Folastries (1553) with that of the Gayetez (1554) of Olivier de Magny. Although the former exercised some influence on the latter, the eroticism of the two poets turns out to be very different, as much in thematic and stylistic terms as with regard...

  13. «Se il savio uomo debba prender moglie». Boccaccio e la questione matrimoniale nel XIV e XV secolo

    «Se il savio uomo debba prender moglie». Boccaccio e la questione matrimoniale nel XIV e XV secolo

    Contributor(s): Marcello Sabbatino

    La contesa tra Venere celeste e Venere terrena, tra l’amore onesto e coniugale, che regola la comunità, e l’amore dilettevole e extraconiugale, che è fonte inesauribile di valore guerriero e di virtù cavalleresche nella società cortese, affascina il Boccaccio durante il soggiorno nella Napoli...

  14. «Vrayment voicy de plaisans fous»: la folie dans le théâtre profane de Marguerite de Navarre

    «Vrayment voicy de plaisans fous»: la folie dans le théâtre profane de Marguerite de Navarre

    Contributor(s): Barbara Marczuk

    This study shows that the dialectics of wisdom and folly, which owes a great deal to the relativization of reason in Renaissance culture, undergoes an original development in Marguerite de Navarre’s “secular” theater. While in these plays Marguerite uses figures of folly which inscribe themselves...

  15. ‘As strayght as ony pole’: Publius Cornelius, Edmund de la Pole, and Contemporary Court Satire in Henry Medwall’s Fulgens and Lucres
  16. ‘Cui multum datum est...’ La confraternita dei Bianchi di Fosdinovo (Toscana, Italia) tra XV e XVII secolo

    ‘Cui multum datum est...’ La confraternita dei Bianchi di Fosdinovo (Toscana, Italia) tra XV e XVII secolo

    Contributor(s): Massimo Dadà

    This article is a brief history and overview of the Confraternity of the Most Holy Annunciation (Compagnia della Santissima Annunziata) in Fosdinovo, a small town in the Lunigiana region in north-western Tuscany. From the fourteenth to the eighteenth century the town’s history was closely...

  17. ‘Dialoghi mancati': Uses of Silence, Reticence and Ellipsis in the Fiction of Antonio Tabucchi
  18. ‘Ragionando di pittura’ tra artisti e letterati: Pino, Vasari, Dolce e Gilio

    ‘Ragionando di pittura’ tra artisti e letterati: Pino, Vasari, Dolce e Gilio

    Contributor(s): Vincenzo Caputo

    L’intervento si pone l’obiettivo di analizzare alcuni specifici dialoghi d’arte del Cinquecento, puntando in particolar modo l’attenzione sulla funzione dei loro rispettivi protagonisti. Si parte dal Dialogo di Pittura di Paolo Pino (1548) e dai Ragionamenti di Giorgio...

  19. ‘The Apex of Hipster XML GeekDOM’ TEI-encoded Dylan and Understanding the Scope ofan Evolving Community of Practice

    ‘The Apex of Hipster XML GeekDOM’ TEI-encoded Dylan and Understanding the Scope ofan Evolving Community of Practice

    2022-06-13 18:38:37 | Contributor(s): Lynne Siemens, Ray Siemens, Hefeng (Eddie) Wen, Cara Leitch, Dot Porter, Liam Sherriff, Karin Armstrong, Melanie Chernyk |

    Computer Science, Digital Humanities

  20. “A Plott to have his nose and eares cutt of”: Schoppe as Seen by the Archbishop of Canterbury

    “A Plott to have his nose and eares cutt of”: Schoppe as Seen by the Archbishop of Canterbury

    Contributor(s): Winfried Schleiner

    That Gaspar Schoppe, author of several stinging publications against James I, was brutally attacked in a Madrid street in 1614 has often been dismissed as the victim’s larmoyant exaggeration of a mere licking, although Schoppe claimed that it was an attempt on his life. But there is a letter...