Publications: Book chapter

  1. Getting Stuck, Writing Badly, and Other Curious Impressions: Doctoral Writing and Imposter Feelings

    Getting Stuck, Writing Badly, and Other Curious Impressions: Doctoral Writing and Imposter Feelings

    2024-11-16 00:45:50 | Contributor(s): Brittany Amell |

    doctoral writing, imposter syndrome, rhetorical writing and genre studies

  2. The Literary System of the Iberian Worlds Through the Lens of Criticometrics

    The Literary System of the Iberian Worlds Through the Lens of Criticometrics

    2024-02-12 23:05:57 | Contributor(s): Carolina Ferrer

    Polysystem studies, criticometrics, Iberian Worlds

  3. Digital Humanities Futures, Open Social Scholarship, and Engaged Publics

    Digital Humanities Futures, Open Social Scholarship, and Engaged Publics

    2023-05-01 00:00:00 | Contributor(s): Alyssa Arbuckle, Ray Siemens, INKE Partnership |

    open access, open scholarship, publics, digital humanities, open social scholarship

  4. Lack of Information Literacy as a Barrier to Open Access among Students and Scholars

    Lack of Information Literacy as a Barrier to Open Access among Students and Scholars

    2023-04-05 21:21:40 | Contributor(s): Alan Colin-Arce |

    information literacy, open access, open scholarship

  5. Shakespeare and authorship attribution methodologies

    Shakespeare and authorship attribution methodologies

    2022-06-13 19:59:49 | Contributor(s): Hugh Craig |

    Stylometry, Shakespeare, word n-grams, Faithful Shepherdess, Fletcher, law of large numbers, validation by segment and by work,

  6. Technologising the Humanities / Humanitising the Technologies

    Technologising the Humanities / Humanitising the Technologies

    2022-06-13 19:48:25 | Contributor(s): Ray Siemens, William Winder |

    Digital Humanities