Publications: All

  1. "Is Abbot Isidore also among the Prophets?": Protestant Influences upon the Annotated Bible of Isidore Clarius

    "Is Abbot Isidore also among the Prophets?": Protestant Influences upon the Annotated Bible of Isidore Clarius

    Article | Contributor(s): R. Gerald Hobbs

    This paper attempts to recognize the important role played by Isidore Clarius in the reform of the Vulgate in the Sixteenth Century. In his preface, prolegomena and notes to the Bible, Clarius provided a form of pre-Tridentine Biblical scholarship which enjoyed more affinities with evangelical...

  2. "It cannot be decernit quha are clean and quha are foulle." Responses to Epidemic Disease in Sixteenth and Seventeenth-Century Scotland

    "It cannot be decernit quha are clean and quha are foulle." Responses to Epidemic Disease in Sixteenth and Seventeenth-Century Scotland

    Article | Contributor(s): Richard D. Oram

    En comparaison avec la recherche effectuée en Angleterre et sur le continent européen, la recherche sur l'impact en Écosse des épidémies sur l'économie, la société et la culture du XVIe siècle et du début du XVIIe siècle, n'a pas avancé significativement depuis les années 60. En effet, les...

  3. "L'emme del vocabol quinto": Allegory of Language, History, and Literature in Dante's Paradiso 18

    "L'emme del vocabol quinto": Allegory of Language, History, and Literature in Dante's Paradiso 18

    Article | Contributor(s): Federica Brunori Deigan, Elisa Liberatori Prati

  4. "L'Histoire tragique au service du Prince": Un sens politique de la Trilogie de Des Masures?
  5. "L'urne de' forti": Foscolo's Sepulchral Archaeology

    "L'urne de' forti": Foscolo's Sepulchral Archaeology

    Article | Contributor(s): Carolyn Springer

  6. "La Philosophie n'est qu'une poësie sophistiquée": The Role of Metaphor in Montaigne’s Essais
  7. "Loüer celluy qui demeure là-haut": la forme de l'hymne ronsardien
  8. "Love's sweetest part, variety": Petrarch and the Curious Frame of the Renaissance Sonnet Sequence
  9. "Not as Enemies, but as Friends": Sanctioned Sex in Frate Cherubino's Regola della vita matrimoniale

    "Not as Enemies, but as Friends": Sanctioned Sex in Frate Cherubino's Regola della vita matrimoniale

    Article | Contributor(s): Amyrose McCue Gill

    During the 1470s, a Franciscan preacher named Cherubino composed a short treatise in nine parts entitled Regola della vita matrimoniale (Rule for Married Life), which describes in detail the mutual obligations of an ideal married couple. In this didactic work, Cherubino echoes the vocabulary of...

  10. "Now is hell landed here upon the earth": Renaissance Poverty and Witchcraft in Thomas Middleton's The Black Book

    "Now is hell landed here upon the earth": Renaissance Poverty and Witchcraft in Thomas Middleton's The Black Book

    Article | Contributor(s): Molly Hand

    En 1604, le pamphlet The Black Book de Thomas Middleton a été publié en deux éditions à Londres. Middleton y répond au Pierce Penniless His Supplication to the Devil (1592) de Thomas Nashe et au The Black Booke's Messenger (1592) de Robert Greene, dans le cadre du débat concernant le Londres...

  11. "Only your picture in my mind": the image, the heart, and the mirror in some seventeenth-century poems

    "Only your picture in my mind": the image, the heart, and the mirror in some seventeenth-century poems

    Article | Contributor(s): Dosia Reichardt

    La subjectivité aux débuts des temps modernes demeure un thème d'un grand intérêt. Toutefois, les « poèmes au miroir » de Cavalier, caractérisés par l'inversion étrange qu'il fait subir à la logique usuelle de la louange propre au lyrisme amoureux, ont été particulièrement négligés. Cet article...

  12. "Or udirete, che Dio vi conduca". Considerazioni sulla Spagna in rima
  13. "Piangene ancor la trista Cleopatra"

    "Piangene ancor la trista Cleopatra"

    Article | Contributor(s): Giorgio Brugnoli

  14. "Quant'è bella giovinezza: Youth and the Medici in Later Quattrocento Florence."
  15. "Qui tacet consentire videtur": Christoph Andreas Fischer’s Polemical Exchange with the Hutterite "King" Klaus Braidl (1603–04)

    "Qui tacet consentire videtur": Christoph Andreas Fischer’s Polemical Exchange with the Hutterite "King" Klaus Braidl (1603–04)

    Article | Contributor(s): Adam W. Darlage

    La littérature polémique de la fin du XVIe siècle et du début du XVIIe siècle ne fait que commencer à être étudiée comme telle, du point de vue des stratégies rhétoriques et des tropes littéraires. Cet article propose une analyse littéraire de l’échange polémique entre un prêtre jésuite,...

  16. "Re-establishing the True Worship of God": Divinity and Religious Violence in France after the Edict of Nantes

    "Re-establishing the True Worship of God": Divinity and Religious Violence in France after the Edict of Nantes

    Article | Contributor(s): Brian Sandberg

    Malgré que l'édit de Nantes de 1598 soit couramment considéré comme un édit de tolérance ayant mis un terme aux guerres de religions en France, de puissants discours sur Dieu ont continué de susciter des conflits entre calvinistes et catholiques. Ces interprétations ont inspiré les laïques...

  17. "Ryse Up Elisa” – Woman Trapped in a Lay: Spenser's "Aprill"

    "Ryse Up Elisa” – Woman Trapped in a Lay: Spenser's "Aprill"

    Article | Contributor(s): Marianne Micros

    In Edmund Spenser's "Aprill," Colin Cloute, by creating and controlling an idealized woman, has silenced the source of his own creative power. However, Colin's lay contains hints that Elisa is neither perfect nor passive: complex natural and mythological allusions reveal her vitality and...

  18. "Sacred Rites" and Prayer-Book Echoes in Spenser's "Epithalamion"

    "Sacred Rites" and Prayer-Book Echoes in Spenser's "Epithalamion"

    Article | Contributor(s): William C. Johnson

  19. "Saper la mente della soa Beatitudine": Pope Paul II and the ambassadorial community in Rome (1464-71)

    "Saper la mente della soa Beatitudine": Pope Paul II and the ambassadorial community in Rome (1464-71)

    Article | Contributor(s): Paul M. Dover

    Cet article examine la pratique des ambassadeurs envoyés par les états italiens à la cour du pape Paul II (1464–71), en se concentrant en particulier sur la façon dont ils ont assumé leur rôle d’informateur. Puisque Paul était un pape instable, impénétrable et souvent inaccessible, les...

  20. "She made us do what she wanted": Desire and the Other Reader's Reading in Italo Calvino's Se una notte d'inverno un viaggiatore